Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Is the internet taking over our lives?

You are getting ready for your day and you are thinking of all the things you have to do. Do you really even have to step out your front door to do any of them? Today, you can do just about everything online. You can buy groceries online, order gifts for others, and even have them delivered to them with a personal note from you. You can do your banking online. You can buy music online and put it on your iPod. Even radio stations have live stream on the internet so you do not even need to be in your car to listen to it or have a radio. You can even chat with your friends online. Could the internet really put department stores out of business? Are any walk in stores still needed?

Now with internet assessable cell phones, everyone can always be connected. Even hotels and food/drink places such as Starbucks and Panara Bread are wired with Wi-Fi; you cannot even eat or drink without being connected. What happened to vacations? With all these places being connected to the internet what is going to make you actually, stay away from work? Do we always have to be connected or have the option of being connected?

When students go to do research for a school paper they do not need to go to the library. All the information they need is right at their fingertips. Books are now online and all you need is a subscription to view them. There are databases that they can use either through the public library or through the school. There are even ways to talk to a librarian through email or instant messaging. Do we still need libraries?Will there come a time when no one ever has to go outside his or her house? How could this affect human kind?

1 comment:

Heather said...

I think the advances in technology are phenomenal, however, they are potentially creating a lot of issues that will not be realize until it is potentially too late! Being the old geezer that I am, I know what life was like with and without these advancements. My first and only typing class was a nightmare! The teacher would not allow you to look at the keyboard and you were expected to type an entire page within a matter of minutes...and yes, we were timed.

Today, people get so consumed with the computers, iPods and the Internet. What was designed to be fast and efficient technology has turned in to a lifestyle. The social networking capabilities are endless. The days of doing most things manually is over! I do not think that some business are doomed for extinction quite yet. People still need retail stores to try on, and experiment with various products. If we're not careful though, we will lose our ability to function face to face and will contribute to the decline of certain industries that Americans use to be incapable of living without!!!!!!!!!!